Friday, January 19, 2007

Letter From the Editor...

Well, it's a new semester with new classes. As such, the types of postings that you are used to seeing, a la Rick Beach, are no more. Instead, this blog is being rededicated to the art of writing. Yes, I will be using my niche here on the internet to respond to texts concerning writing, responding to comments made on these same texts by some of my peers, and posting helpful links to teaching material that comliments each entries subject. With this in mind, enjoy the next eight weeks of whitty banter, intellectual conversation, and disection of the pressing issues of writing! I can't wait, can you? Until then, play the wind and don't take any stupid penalties.

Editor and Chief,



Blogger nbuck said...

Sorry for my spelling mistakes, I was just so excited to be blogging again that I did not take the time to examine my work. Let this be lesson number one for writing class, edit the junk you post! Again, my sincere apologies.

Editor Buck

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Buck.
I look forward to your witty banter. I hope to offer a wit or two in return when I can.

9:50 AM  
Blogger nbuck said...

Why do you always have to exploit my lack of technological savvy. First, you break into my office, and now you are leaving anonymous comments. I appreciate your exposure of the loopholes that I leave, but honestly, do you just do these things to torment my mental state? Are you constantly hunting for my weakness? Or are you simply bored out of your skull with nothing better to do? I await a response!

12:04 PM  

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